by tanya | May 19, 2012 | life, was-published
Do you remember what it was like to open a present when you were little (I mean very little, before you decided that the only thing that mattered when you were given a present was how fast the paper could be torn off)? Do you remember all the new and interesting...
by tanya | Apr 28, 2012 | life, was-published
Have you ever had the priviledge of watching little person learn to walk? Have you watched them pull themselves up on a sofa, look around and slowly let go with one hand then the other and then… thud… onto their bottom! Then before you know it, up they go...
by tanya | Feb 29, 2012 | life, was-published
So here it is, 29th Februrary… of course to most of us it’s just another Wednesday, but I think it’s worthy of special note; we haven’t had an ‘extra day’ for four years and it’ll be four years until we get...
by tanya | Jan 26, 2012 | life, was-published
… can you believe January is nearly over for another year? Someone commented to me yesterday that they are happy January on its way out, but I’m the opposite… I love January; January is the starting line for the whole year, it’s the perfect...
by tanya | Jan 3, 2012 | life, was-published
It seems only right that this, my first blog of the new year, follows with tradition & focuses on resolutions… (I hear some groans, but bear with me, this might just work for you!)… so tell me, have you made one yet? What is it?… Loose...